Saturday, December 11, 2010

The value of being a leader - ETH edition

I gave a talk at ETH on what I call the priority option this week. This was my first visit to both ETH and Zurich and I was throughly impressed by the city, the school, and the math department. For example, here is a sample of what was going on in just one afternoon:

Their Financial and Insurance Mathematics group is of course well known to anyone working in the area. In fact, I would be hard pressed to find a higher concentration of talent dedicated to mathematical finance under the same roof anywhere else in the world. And speaking about roofs, they also have gigantically high ceilings:

ps: just in case you wonder, this was not the room where I gave my talk :)

1 comment:

  1. it's the so called "Semper Aula". For more information (in German) see:
